Sunday, February 17, 2008

Very Important Weekend

ok so this weekend is by far the most important weekend for a wrestler. this weekend will decide who goes on the the state championship and who is done until next year. NY is made of 12 sections with section 12 split up into CHSAA and PSAL. the rest of the sections are numberd 1-11. every section sends one wrestler to the state tournament in albany on march 8th and 9th. section 12 sends 2. these tournaments are gighly competitive and there is really a lot of emotion and tension running through everybody there. it is something that should really be experienced. however before you go out and see a tournament like this, you should know some of the basic rules to the sport.
First thing first, the object of the sport is to pin your opponent. if you cannot pin your opponent you must beat him on points. there are many different ways to score points, one way is to take down your opponent. you must take your opponent down to the mat and have control of him to score. that is worth 2 points. after taking you opponent down you can score near fall points by putting him to his back and holding him for 2-5 seconds. for 2-4 seconds you get 2 points for 5 seconds you get 3. if you have been taken down and you escape you get 1 point for escaping. also if you reverse your opponent you get 2 points.
now if you perform an illegal hold or move your opponent gets 1 point. if you perform 4 illegal moves you lose the match. if you intentionally hurt the opponent you lose. the sport was created so men could dispute arguements fairly and with class.

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